Firstly, this awesome cast iron enamelled pot from my mum and dad. I have wanted one of these for years, and I happened to mention it to Ant after we saw Julie and Julia a couple months ago. So when I unwrapped it, I naturally assumed that he had pointed them in the right direction. But no, as it turns out, my dad is a psychic. He nailed it, right down to the colour and size I wanted. Thanks, daddy! I'm a little bit afraid of your skills right now. If I start thinking really hard about a cute terrace house in Subi, will I get that for Christmas? :) (The other option was mum's idea, some new perfume, which is equally on my hit list. You guys know me very, very well.)
Tris bought me this book that I've been crushing on for months. Who wouldn't want to learn the style and charm secrets of Old Hollywood? (She was very lucky that Monday was a public holiday, because I had every intention of going to Oxford Books and buying it that day.) Thanks, Trissy! I've been washing my face like Audrey Hepburn every night since :)
From Ishipishy, a freaking awesome leopard beret and pretty bracelet! Look at the beret! It's FURRY! Ish, I'm so touched that you remembered me blabbing about wanting a leopard beret however long ago that was. This one is sooo cute. Thanks so so much!
Julie baked a cheesecake for Ruthie and me, and she made it with blueberries from her own backyard. For crying out loud. That's just so awesome. Thanks Julz!
Aww, my friends are so great.
George and Janine gifted me these. The pink thingy is an icecream scoop that makes perfect cylinders, and the craft book? Right up my alley. Everything is so fresh and breezy. Thankyou thankyou thankyou.
Josh says that his gift to me is on the way, but he drew me this as a placeholder:
I think that the real gift is going to have to be pretty fantastic to top that.
And last but not least, Ant's gift. You've been seeing it all post, because it's a new camera! My little Lumix has seen better days, so he got me this nifty Samsung that was made for camwhoring. It has a second screen at the front (no more being half out of frame with bad hair and four chins) and a skin-smoothing, blemish removing mode. That's the mode it's been on more or less constantly. I haven't got a photo of it yet, so just keep your eyes open in future posts.
That's it! I have been really spoilt this year. Thanks so much to everyone for making yesterday such a lovely day.