Introducing Jude Matthew Quirk, the handsome son of darling Ruthie and SuperTravio - my nephew!! He was born early in the morning (late at night?) yesterday, and has already made the world a better place with his unique combination of pouty lips, super soft skin and all around total gorgeousness. Oh, and he smells great too.
Trav and Ruth are just over the moon. It's really moving to see how much love they have for this tiny wonderful person they've made. Aww, you guys. I'm getting a bit weepy thinking about the three of you.
I went to visit last night with new Nonno, Meme, and Busia. Ant couldn't come because he was stuck in Broome (flight delayed by 5 hours, lousy Qantas) so we went back again this afternoon. Is it possibly for a baby of infinite cuteness to double said cuteness overnight? He seems to have managed it somehow. Anyway, the requisite "Jude with x" photos:
With Nonno. Not sure who's mimicking who here.
Cuddling adorably with Meme.
Anthony looks amazed. I love this photo. Jude, your zio is absolutely right to find you astounding.
I think he's cute enough to cancel out the ugliness of my two chins. That's no mean feat.
Just want to have the record show that one day after birth, Ruth looks like a supermodel. So glowy! So happy! I really can't believe she had him 100% naturally. She is a superwoman. And she looks like this! I'm overawed.
As one would expect from a child of gaming heritage, Jude is already demonstrating a sound knowledge of classic game characters. Here he demonstrates his Mario impression.
And coming from photographic history on the other side of the family, he knows to pose like a natural. Here he's managed to wink, despite not yet being able to see. Absolute pro.
Yeah, he's pretty awesome. My most heartfelt love and congratulations to the burgeouning Quirk family. You guys have well and truly outdone yourselves with this one. May the Lord bless the three of you above your wildest imaginations.