Here she is in her dust bag. Don't you just love Japanese packaging? Makes me want to go back to Japan real bad. Again. I pretty much have Japan Urges every six months or so now. Maybe I should just save up for a year, move there, buy everything I can see for a year or two, then come home. Yeah.
Here's the box, complete with adorable ribbon.
And this is my baby! Woven pink metallic leather. Lots of room on the inside. I am so thrilled. I saw it in Fukuoka when we were there but I didn't have much cash on me at the time. I planned to go back but then never did :( So now I've eBayed it for twice as much money o_O
This is a better indication of the colour I think. The zipper pull is a super cute gold heart. Soooo stoked with it. It's exactly what I want. My previous wallet was a blue woven Bottega Veneta which I loved to death, but all the blue was wearing off and starting to look really nasty. Maybe I will see if I can have it dyed and then sell it or something.
My nailpolish in the previous picture is OPI Italian Love Affair. I'm only giving this one two strikes, because it's disappointed me so wildly both times that I'm not willing to chance it a third time. Goes on streaky as all getout, chips and peels away within 24 hours. Not. Worth. My. Time. I was really hopeful I'd like it because, um, I think the name is cute. But I'm always disappointed by shimmery OPI polishes these days. I think they might have changed their formula because I used to be able to apply them like a pro. Sigh. I'd really like gel nails if I'm honest. With lots of bling.
OK, tangent done! I'm hoping to be able to blog about my new nephew in a few days but he sure is taking his time arriving.